Anatomy & Physiology Textbooks

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Anatomy and physiology are two areas of study related to the human body. They provide the basis for any medical curriculum at all levels. If you plan to enroll in a health-related degree program, you must have a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology. Whether you wish to become a nurse, or a dentist, or a medical assistant, your foundation of knowledge is based on these two core areas.Many schools and universities that specialize in healthcare medical degree programs have anatomy and physiology as introductory courses. Another reason for the significant emphasis placed upon these subjects is because medical entrance exams often test for the basic understanding of anatomy and physiology. It is important that you find an accredited anatomy and physiology textbook to prepare yourself for medical degree programs.

ValoreBooks is where you can find anatomy and physiology textbooks.This is one of the most convenient marketplaces where all kinds of educational textbooks and other reading sources are available for purchase. Not just any textbook can do-choosing the right book that covers all of your course requirements is essential. After all, most of the knowledge you will acquire will come from reading textbooks. ValoreBooks specializes in providing student textbooks and educational services. It is dedicated to reducing the high costs of books and helping students better afford their higher education.This is important because many students abandon the idea of acquiring a degree because of high costs of textbooks and tuition. But with the help of ValoreBooks, you can save a hefty sum on books, which is a step in a more affordable direction. In addition, with so many books out there in the market, selection can become a huge issue. ValoreBooks, however, makes searching for and finding the books you need (at prices you can afford) a breeze.

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Results 451 - 500 of 3,038 for Anatomy & Physiology Textbooks
Brain Stimulation : Methodologies and Interventions by Reti ISBN: 9781118568293 List Price: $149.95
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging : Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging by Cabeza, Roberto, Nyberg, La... ISBN: 9780199372935
Human Nutrition : Science for Healthy Living by Stephenson, Tammy J., Schif... ISBN: 9781259709951
Bioanalytical Chemistry by Manz, A., Dittrich, Petra S... ISBN: 9781783266722
After Phrenology : How to Study the Brain by Anderson, Michael L. ISBN: 9780262028103 List Price: $45.00
Brain Computation As Hierarchical Abstraction by Ballard, Dana H. ISBN: 9780262028615
Anatomy and Physiology by Patton, Kevin T., Thibodeau... ISBN: 9780323341394
Positive Neuroscience by Greene, Joshua David, Morri... ISBN: 9780199977925
Seeley's Anatomy and Physiology by VanPutte, Cinnamon L. ISBN: 9781260172195
Dynamic Human Anatomy by Whiting, William Charles ISBN: 9781492549871
Instant Anatomy by Whitaker, Robert H., Borley... ISBN: 9781119159384 List Price: $43.95
Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing by Rousseau, Bernard, Branski,... ISBN: 9781626233379
Exercise Physiology : Laboratory Manual by Beam, William C., Adams, Ge... ISBN: 9781259913884
Physiology of Sport and Exercise by Kenney, W. Larry, Wilmore, ... ISBN: 9781492574866
Human Biology by Mader, Sylvia S., Windelspe... ISBN: 9781260233032
Applied Sport Mechanics by Burkett, Brendan ISBN: 9781492558439
Understanding Pathophysiology by Huether, Sue E., McCance, K... ISBN: 9780323639088 List Price: $131.00
Biological Psychology by Lambert, Kelly ISBN: 9780190654498
Exercise Biochemistry 2nd Edition by Mougios, Vassilis ISBN: 9781492529040 List Price: $129.00
Netter's Concise Neuroanatomy Updated Edition by Rubin, Michael, Safdieh, Jo... ISBN: 9780323480918 List Price: $59.99
Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport by Rawson, Eric S., Branch, J.... ISBN: 9781260258974
Handbook of Brain Microcircuits by Shepherd, Gordon M., Grilln... ISBN: 9780190636111
Human Physiology An Integrated Approach by Silverthorn, Dee Unglaub ISBN: 9780805368512 List Price: $175.53
Upper and Lower Limbs by Koshi, Rachel ISBN: 9780198749363 List Price: $38.95
Physiological Psychology : An Introduction by Khosla, Meetu ISBN: 9789386062116 List Price: $24.00
Moral Brains : The Neuroscience of Morality by Liao, S. Matthew ISBN: 9780199357673
Biological Psychology by Kalat, James W. ISBN: 9781337618618
Biophysics of Consciousness : A Foundational Approach by Poznanski, Roman R., Tuszyn... ISBN: 9789814644259
Dendrites by Stuart, Greg, Spruston, Nel... ISBN: 9780198745273 List Price: $125.00
Introduction to Human Nutrition by Vorster, Hester H., Cashman... ISBN: 9781119476979 List Price: $80.95
Anatomy and Physiology for Emergency Care by Martini, Frederic H., Barth... ISBN: 9780135211458 List Price: $139.99
Color Atlas of Foot and Ankle Anatomy by McMinn, Robert M., Hutching... ISBN: 9780723419952 List Price: $44.95
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