Diagnostic Imaging Textbooks

Browse New & Used Diagnostic Imaging Textbooks

Did you know you could rent cheap diagnostic imaging textbooks directly from our website at prices we're sure you won't find anywhere else? If you want to get books like Computed Tomography, Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, Fundamentals of Medical Imaging or anything else written for this sector of the medical profession, we're confident we can supply the goods. Rent used diagnostic imaging textbooks now; we also buy back diagnostic imaging books if you have them, so feel free to add to our collection. We pay for the books we want, so look for the prices to see what you could get in return. From Practical Diagnostic Imaging for the Veterinary Technician to Pathways of the Pulp, a book written for dentists, this section contains all the books you could want - and they are all at discounted and affordable prices. Buy the cheapest books here now to help complete your course.

Results 251 - 260 of 260 for Diagnostic Imaging Textbooks
Correction Techniques in Emission Tomography by Dawood, Mohammad, Jiang, Xi... ISBN: 9781439813010
Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics IV by Larin, Kirill, Sampson, David ISBN: 9781510605756
Quantitative Phase Imaging III by Popescu, Gabriel, Park, Yon... ISBN: 9781510605893
Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XV by Mahadevan-Jansen, Anita, Vo... ISBN: 9781510605497
Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies X by Raghavachari, Ramesh, Liang... ISBN: 9781510605534
Multimodal Biomedical Imaging XII by Azar, Fred, Intes, Xavier ISBN: 9781510605558
Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue XII by Tromberg, Bruce, Yodh, Arju... ISBN: 9781510605596
Medical Imaging 2016 : Computer-Aided Diagnosis by Tourassi, Georgia, Armato, ... ISBN: 9781510600201
Showing 251 - 260 of 260 - Browse More Diagnostic Imaging Textbooks for Sale
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