Women in Public Relations How Gender Influences Practice

Women in Public Relations How Gender Influences Practice
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  • ISBN-13: 9780805854930
  • ISBN: 0805854932
  • Publisher: Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated, Lawrence


Grunig, Larissa A., Hon, Linda Childers, Toth, Elizabeth Lance


The past 20 years have seen an influx of women into the practice of public relations, yet gender-based disparities in pay and advancement remain a troubling reality. As the field becomes feminized, moreover, female and male practitioners alike confront the prospect of dwindling salaries and prestige. This landmark book presents a comprehensive examination of the status of women in public relations and proposes concrete ways to achieve greater parity in education and practice. The authors integrate the theoretical literature of public relations and gender with results of a major longitudinal study of women in the field, along with illuminating focus group and interview data. Topics covered include factors contributing to sex discrimination; how public relations stacks up against other professions on gender-related issues; the challenges facing female managers and entrepreneurs; the experiences of ethnic minority professionals; the salary gap; the glass ceiling; and how to foster solutions on individual, organizational, and societal levels. This volume is an essential read for both educators and practitioners in public relations. It can be used as a course text in graduate research seminars, and also as a supplemental text in courses addressing gender issues in PR. It serves as a useful guide for young practitioners entering the profession, and provides critical insights for public relations managers.Grunig, Larissa A. is the author of 'Women in Public Relations How Gender Influences Practice' with ISBN 9780805854930 and ISBN 0805854932.

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