School Testing What Parents and Educators Need to Know

School Testing What Parents and Educators Need to Know
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  • ISBN-13: 9780275948009
  • ISBN: 0275948005
  • Publisher: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated


Gellman, Estelle S.


Despite their inherent, consistent emphasis in our educational system, test scores are not infallible measurements of a student's ability, skill, or knowledge. Therefore, they should not be viewed in isolation by educators and, more importantly, by parents. In this book, Estelle S. Gellman provides parents and educators with the information necessary to interpret the test scores one encounters in today's schools. While not a scathing condemnation of testing, the book strongly emphasizes that test performance must be interpreted with respect to the limitations of the test itself and how the score corresponds with other information known about the individual test-taker. In her examination, which covers both teacher-made and standardized tests, Gellman is careful to present technical information in a way that can be readily understood by both parents and educators. The book explains the different types of tests that are used, the purposes for which they are given, and the qualities that they should exhibit. Separate chapters give attention to achievement tests, aptitude tests, and tests of personality and interests. Other chapters take on issues of testing children with disabilities and the use of test scores in decision making. By addressing the limitations of tests, this source will allow educators and parents to reap the benefit of information that they do provide.Gellman, Estelle S. is the author of 'School Testing What Parents and Educators Need to Know' with ISBN 9780275948009 and ISBN 0275948005.

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