Productivity Issues in Services at the Micro Level A Special Issue of the Journal of Productivity Analysis

Productivity Issues in Services at the Micro Level A Special Issue of the Journal of Productivity Analysis
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  • ISBN-13: 9780792393351
  • ISBN: 079239335X
  • Publisher: Springer


Griliches, Zvi, Mairesse, Jacques


This book focuses on the empirical analysis of productivity in services at the firm level. Productivity studies are still scarce in services, especially in view of the major role of the services sector in modern developed economies and the increasing concern about its performance. The services industries studied in this volume are quite diverse, with a strong representation of financial services. All analyses are performed on the microlevel, being based on cross-sectional or panel data for samples of firms of widely varying sizes. They focus on a variety of topics ranging from comparing the efficiency of different categories of service firms or exploring the impact of mergers and deregulation on productivity performance to assessing the magnitude of returns to scale and scope or investigating the properties of different parametric or nonparametric methods to estimate cost and production functions. Perhaps the most valuable feature of all these studies is the authors' care and ingenuity in putting the data together, measuring variables and extracting relevant information. After reading the book, one is inclined to consider that services may not be all that different from goods.Griliches, Zvi is the author of 'Productivity Issues in Services at the Micro Level A Special Issue of the Journal of Productivity Analysis' with ISBN 9780792393351 and ISBN 079239335X.

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