Middle Eastern Textbooks

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Results 151 - 164 of 164 for Middle Eastern Textbooks
Modern Turkish Literature by Kerslake, Celia ISBN: 9780748643776
Reading the Late Byzantine Romance : A Handbook by Goldwyn, Adam J., Nilsson, ... ISBN: 9781316646540 List Price: $36.99
Alam Al-Adab Al-Arabi Al-Muasir : Siyar Wa-Siyar Dhatiyah by Tramontini, Leslie, Donohue... ISBN: 9783899139495
Me-Reshit : Shalosh Masot Al Shirah Ivrit Yelidit by Hever, Hannan ISBN: 9789655310191
ILESAMLI : Ilim Adam, Sair, Yazar Ve Sanat�lar Ansiklopedisi by Parmaksz, Mehmet Nuri, T�rk... ISBN: 9786059661997
Flowers from a Persian Garden and Other Papers by Clouston, William Alexander ISBN: 9780598944146 List Price: $120.90
Quran: a New Interpretation : In English with Arabic Text by Behbudi, M. B., Turner, Colin ISBN: 9781138869844
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