Greek (Modern) Books

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If you would like to rent cheap Greek (Modern) textbooks for college in America today, we can give you the choice of hundreds of books. Look for affordable deals on every single one of them, even if you choose to rent cheap Greek (Modern) textbooks instead. Our collection often includes examples such as Greek: A Comprehensive Grammar of the Modern Language; Manual of Modern Greek; Conversational Modern Greek in 20 Lessons; and Modern Greek English Dictionary. We can provide the cheapest methods for buying or renting these books, and our buyback service ensures you always have somewhere to sell back to as well. Whenever you get the best of your budget you always have more to spend. Why not spend it at Valore Books in the first place, to ensure you can stretch it that bit further than you might think was possible? With Valore Books fighting your corner you can always get the cheapest deals.

Results 151 - 176 of 176 for Greek (Modern) Books
Greek-English, English-Greek Dictionary by Patsis, C. ISBN: 9780685791110 List Price: $50.00
Modern Greek Language In Its Relation To Ancient Greek by Geldart, E. M. ISBN: 9781432606831 List Price: $41.95
Clitics in Greek : A Minimalist Account of Proclisis and Enclisis by Mavrogiorgos, Marios ISBN: 9789027288035 List Price: $158.00
Greek Travelmate - Lexus Firm Staff - Paperback by Lexus Firm Staff ISBN: 9780307466051 List Price: $1.95
Learn to Read and Write Greek The Basics of the Greek Language by Psyhogeos, Matina ISBN: 9780917653117 List Price: $11.00
Modern Greek Self Taught Ith Phonetic Pronunciation by Anastassiou, Nicolao ISBN: 9781846643989 List Price: $25.45
Collins Greek Phrasebook by Collins Publishers Staff ISBN: 9780007246908
Greek-English, English-Greek Modern Dictionary by Grivas, C. N. ISBN: 9780884312628 List Price: $47.50
Everyday Greek by Hoffman, Horace A. ISBN: 9780226347875 List Price: $8.00
How to Say It in Greek by Constantinon, P. ISBN: 9780875591711 List Price: $22.50
Listen & Learn Modern Greek by Listen & Learn Staff ISBN: 9780486252780 List Price: $2.50
Teach Yourself Greek, Modern by Sofronious, S. A. ISBN: 9780828883481 List Price: $15.95
New Self-Taught English Method for Greeks by Divry, George C. ISBN: 9780685090329 List Price: $10.00
Greek English Letterwriting by Revelis, B. G. ISBN: 9780685090367 List Price: $10.00
Modern English Greek English Desk Dictionary With Thumb Index by Divry, George C. ISBN: 9780828848220 List Price: $29.95
Learn Greek for English Speakers by Kinchin-Smithma, F., Mellui... ISBN: 9780875570310 List Price: $19.95
Workbook for Greek Children Reader by Dorizas, H. ISBN: 9780685790977 List Price: $2.50
Divry's Modern English-Greek and Greek-English Desk Dictionary by Unknown ISBN: 9780685816394 List Price: $20.00
Divrys English to Greek Phrase and Conversation Pronouncing Manual by Divry, George C. ISBN: 9780685090275 List Price: $10.00
Divry's New English-Greek and Greek-English Handy Dictionary by Divry, George C. ISBN: 9780317022889 List Price: $10.00
English-Greek Business Glossary by Peter Collin Publishing Staff ISBN: 9781901659290 List Price: $9.95
English-Greek Dictionary by Unknown ISBN: 9780875570303 List Price: $15.95
Showing 151 - 176 of 176 - Browse More Greek (Modern) Books for Sale
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